Ideia: A partir das Cartas de Mariana Alcoforado, conjugar a escrita em papel com o sofrimento do abandono em vida que implica um homicídio mental.
What makes u move?
Give me the password to freak u out
to make u shout
to call me a bitch as u once did
when I did nothing compared to now.
Give me a sign that u need help
that help can still save u
from the depths of the big sea
from the blur of your small life.
Give me a weapon to kill u
again in my mind as I already did
once before between laughs and tears
between men and women
surviving this pain of having to kill u once more.
Data da realização: 9 de Setembro a 10 de Outubro de 1999
Local: Galeria Maria Lucília Cruz e Pousada de S. Francisco em Beja
Materiais: seis trabalhos em acrílico e colagem sobre tela (33cm×24cm)
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